Download Atari-Archiv
- Scans your Atari - (games) - collection with only a few clicks
- Manages your Atari files by creating categories and selections
- Starts/opens files in different emulators or tools: Altirra, Atari++, Atari800, MemoPad,...
- Supported files: ATR, ATX, BAS, BIN, CAR, CAS, COM, DCM, EXE, LST, PRO, ROM, XEX, XFD
- Stores picture files: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and TIFF
- Stores text and information files: TXT, NFO and DIZ
- Stores PDF files
- Searches archiv files with the extensions: RAR, ZIP, 7Z and CAB
- Available languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German