Which emulators/tools are supported?
It is very easy to create and customize new profiles for emulators/tools which can be started by parameters. The C64-Archiv delivers instructions for the most popular emulators: VICE, CCS64, HOXS64, EMU64 and DENISE
How can I add a new emulator or tool?
Go to Options -> "Emulators/Tools". Here you can see a tree structure with the following levels:
Name of the Emulator/Tool
Profl name 1
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Profl name 2
Profl name ...
Select the top level "Emulators/Tools" and right-click on New (or via the New button). In the window that opens, select "Other" as the emulator and enter the name of the emulator/tool and the file path. It is recommended to leave the checkmark at "Create default profiles". After "OK/Apply" in the options window, the new emulator/tool is immediately available for starting programs in the START submenu or in the emulator window of the main view.
Note: The new emulator/tool is now started with the default "file path" parameter. Most of the emulators/external tools offer additional parameters for launching. These can also be added as new parameters after selecting a profile.
Why isn't it possible to start every C64 program in VICE ?
There is a problem to pass the correct "petscii" filename:
In this case either use a profile with the parameter "UseTempFile" or follow the steps:
1) Start the emulator with the profile "Attach"
2) Load the C64 program with LOAD "xxxx",8 from disc or with LOAD "xxxx" from tape
3) After loading start the program with RUN
Please note when using the parameter "UseTempFile":
Changes in the emulator will consequently not be saved to the original file!
If you want to change a D64-file within the emulator (for example to save your revised program or the highscore of a game) you have to use a profile, which uses the original file!